"Anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its sorrows, but only empties today of its strength."- Charles Spurgeon, English preacher
With holiday socializing in full swing, being around strangers or acquaintances can raise our level of anxiety. This can be normal. But social anxiety is disruptive and can be hard to manage.
According to the Mayo Clinic, social anxiety disorder (aka social phobia) is when "everyday interactions cause significant anxiety, self-consciousness and embarrassment because you fear being scrutinized or judged negatively by others."
Though many of us may have a bit of shyness or nervousness around others, when we experience social anxiety disorder, it is disruptive to our daily life.
We may start avoiding things we would normally do out of fear of judgement or humiliation. From not attending that event because we're scared to talk to others, to not eating in public, to missing school and work, social anxiety can have a negative impact on our lives.
Social anxiety can also manifest for us physically, when our heart beats faster, we tremble or sweat, tense up or even get dizzy or nauseous when around other people.
Even kids can experience social anxiety. Their symptoms could look like temper tantrums when going out, refusing to speak to those they don't know, holding tight to their parent(s) or crying.
Where Social Anxiety Comes From
Though we may think of social anxiety as a result of our environment, that's just one place it can come from. Studies have shown that anxiety can run in families. Whether or not its a genetic condition still seems to be up for question, though.
Scientists also believe that our brains may play a role. When we have an overactive amygdala, our fear response is greater. This can cause heightened anxiety when we are in the company of others.Â
The environmental factor can come into play when we experience a situation where we feel embarrassed or humiliated. This type of interaction can lead to the development of anxiety.
Symptoms of Social Anxiety
Along with some of the symptoms cited earlier, other signs of social anxiety can include:
Aversion to assertiveness
Overly sensitive to criticism
Low achievement
Substance abuse
Suicide or attempts at suicide
How to Relieve Social Anxiety
Depending upon the severity, there are different ways to help alleviate the symptoms of social anxiety. As a mental health disorder, there isn't necessarily a "cure" for the condition, but ways to go about treating it effectively vary.
If the impact is serious, like preventing you from leaving your house or being around others at all, seeking medical help and medications is needed.* Other ways to relieve symptoms of social anxiety include:
Journaling - Write down when you experience social anxiety and what symptoms occur. This can potentially help you identify triggers or patterns. The writing can also be an outlet for stress relief in and of itself.
Exercising - We know there are myriads of benefits to physical exercise, and relieving social anxiety symptoms can be one of them. Having a regular routine of some type of physical movement is helpful.
Limiting Unhealthy Substances - Overindulging in things like alcohol, caffeine and unhealthy foods can actually cause anxiety, or make it worse. Try avoiding alcohol, reducing caffeine intake, and sticking to a well-balanced diet.Â
Starting Small - If being around lots of strangers heightens your social anxiety, try something like a small gathering of people you know well. Not only do you get the rewards of spending time with people you love, but you also make room for getting comfortable with a larger amount of people whom you may not know.
For more about social anxiety, dig into these resources.
Need Help Overcoming Social Anxiety? 6 Tips from an Expert - Cleveland Clinic
Social Anxiety Disorder: More Than Just Shyness - National Institute of Mental Health
13 Effective Ways to Overcome Social Anxiety - Talkspace
*I'm not a medical professional and this is not medical advice. If you are experiencing symptoms, consult your doctor or a medical professional for help.